
Windows11 安装 WSL2





PS:虽然windows安装WSL2的博客无数,但最好还是学着从official website上一步步进行,博客类的仅供参考~


enable windows11 WSL and hypervisor functions:

Install WSL command

Open PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt in administrator,enter the following command, The –install command performs the following actions:

  • Enables the optional WSL and Virtual Machine Platform components

  • Downloads and installs the latest Linux kernel

  • Sets WSL 2 as the default

  • Downloads and installs the Ubuntu Linux distribution (reboot may be required)

wsl --install

Restart your windows

Change the default Linux distribution installed

see Linux distribution supported:

wsl --list --online

for example, install Ubuntu 22.04:

wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04

set a user account and password at the same time.

install successful

check Linux and wsl verison

wsl -l -v

New Linux installations, installed using the wsl –install command, will be set to WSL 2 by default.

custom shell style

background image

Settings → Profiles → Ubuntu 22.04.02 LTS → Additional settings → Appearance → Background image


more setting options in Appearance, help yourself.

move wsl2 to other drives

To unregister and uninstall a WSL distribution:

wsl --unregister <DistributionName>

move Ubuntu22.04 to D:/

wsl --shutdown
wsl --export Ubuntu-22.04 D:\develop\wsl2\export.tar
wsl --unregister Ubuntu-22.04
wsl --import Ubuntu-22.04 D:\develop\wsl2\ubuntu22-04 D:\develop\wsl2\export.tar --version 2

File storage

open Windows File Explorer, enter:\\wsl$

what’s more, you can also find your linux distribution in Linux beside File Explorer left-bar:


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